Archive: April 2018

  • Hormonal Health

    Workplace Hormonal Health

    Hormonal Health – the last Workplace Taboo? Hormonal health has traditionally been seen as a private matter and so is rarely discussed. Not surprisingly many managers will have no awareness of the scope and nature of the issues involved. This means employees spend a lot of time and energy hiding their symptoms. In a survey by Nuffield Health, two thirds of women revealed they were suffering from hormonal issues that were having a detrimental…

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  • Small Business HR News: GDPR and Statutory Rates

    Covid News, statutory rate changes and Work-Life Blend

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (25th May 2018) In preparation for GDPR, all businesses should have carried out an Information Audit and be working through a plan of action to ensure the personal data they process and store is kept secure at all times. Here are 8 practical steps you can take to ensure you are looking after the personal data of your employees and workers: Introduce GDPR to your staff and let them know how you are using…

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