Tag Archive: wellbeing

  • Workplace Hormonal Health

    Workplace Hormonal Health

    I started writing about hormonal health in the workplace over six years ago and although there have been great strides forward with regard to menopausal and perimenopausal awareness, recent studies suggest that there is still plenty of work to do to provide more workplace support. According to the CIPD’s 2023 survey, over a quarter of respondents said that menopause had a negative effect on their career progression, one in six considered…

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  • Movement and Mental Health

    mental health awareness week 2024

    There seem to be more ‘awareness’ weeks popping up than ever before, but there are definitely some that are more worthy of our attention than others. I believe Mental Health Awareness Week is one such example. Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 13th – 19th May and is organised by the Mental Health Foundation UK (MHF) who are a well-respected UK charity with a remit to help people stay well and try and prevent mental health problems…

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  • HR and Sustainability

    Purpose Driven Business

    Were you aware that it was World Environment Day this week? Instigated by the United Nations Environment Programme, this awareness day has been held annually on 5th June since 1973, making World Environment Day 50 years old! It is one of the largest global platforms for environmental concerns and is used to highlight the imperative of global environmental pressures, which affects the wellbeing and economic development of people throughout the…

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  • Understanding Caveman Stress

    small business anthropology

    A lot of people are talking about stress these days! And November is a busy month for stress awareness – there’s National Stress Awareness Day and International Stress Awareness Week – helping to give focus to stress management and support for campaigns against the stigma associated with stress and mental health issues. But how much do we really know about stress, what it is and where it comes from? A false start! The title of…

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  • Eating Disorders

    mental health awareness week 2024

    During Mental Health Awareness Week, it was refreshing to see helpful media coverage and dialogue about encouraging good mental health in and outside of work. However, we still have a long way to go to truly de-stigmatise mental illness within our society, communities and workplaces. By way of example, eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that are frequently misunderstood and hidden from many employers. There is still a commonly held…

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  • Work-Life Blend

    Work-life balance vs Work-life blend

    Work-Life Balance vs Work-Life Blend Work-life balance was a concept first popularised by the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1980’s highlighting the importance of flexible work schedules and family friendly policies for the first time. Since then, the term has evolved to describe a state of equilibrium where a person (of any gender) equally prioritises the demands of their career and the demands of their personal life. Work-life balance…

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  • Resilience Culture

    Building a Resilience Culture

    Earlier this year I wrote an article about Resilience at Work. This was several months before the true impact of Covid-19 was felt in the UK. Since then people and organisations have been on a bumpy rollercoaster ride of twists and turns, navigating what is frequently being referred to as a VUCA world – a military acronym standing for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. As we approach the latter part of 2020, my HR work with local…

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  • Doughnut Shaped Businesses

    Doughnut Shaped Businesses

    Can and should businesses remain the same in the aftermath of Covid-19 lockdown and the recent highlighting of systemic prejudices prevalent in our society and organisations? The challenges of recent months have created great uncertainty and fear over the likely depths of recession as well as how best to respond and tackle uncomfortable truths about racism. Against this rather ominous backdrop, thankfully, there is a growing number of economists…

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  • HR News: Brexit, Holiday Pay and Mental Health

    HR News - Brexit, Holiday Pay, Mental Health

    Brexit and UK Employment Law Brexit uncertainties are now set to continue beyond October, but government ministers have denied that UK employment rights will be eroded or diluted after Brexit, despite recent rumours suggesting the UK is planning to reduce its regulatory standards. In the meantime, employers are being encouraged to support their EU employees and check they have up-to-date information regarding settled status. It is still expected…

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  • Body Image at Work

    mental health awareness week 2024

    In today’s culture and society, we are bombarded with messages about body image and what our bodies should look like. However, having negative thoughts about how we look can impact on every aspect of our lives, including at work. For some individuals, a work environment can play a tremendous role in body image and how they observe their own body. This can be due to the nature of the job, the workplace culture, or the types of people that they…

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