Tag Archive: work-life balance

  • HR and Sustainability

    Purpose Driven Business

    Were you aware that it was World Environment Day this week? Instigated by the United Nations Environment Programme, this awareness day has been held annually on 5th June since 1973, making World Environment Day 50 years old! It is one of the largest global platforms for environmental concerns and is used to highlight the imperative of global environmental pressures, which affects the wellbeing and economic development of people throughout the…

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  • Work-Life Blend

    Work-life balance vs Work-life blend

    Work-Life Balance vs Work-Life Blend Work-life balance was a concept first popularised by the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1980’s highlighting the importance of flexible work schedules and family friendly policies for the first time. Since then, the term has evolved to describe a state of equilibrium where a person (of any gender) equally prioritises the demands of their career and the demands of their personal life. Work-life balance…

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  • Resilience at Work

    Resilience at Work

    There’s more to resilience than meets the eye – it’s not simply another word for ‘coping’ and it is a little more complicated than the famous World War II slogan “Keep Calm and Carry On”. Resilience was first studied back in the 1950’s and 60’s and was centred around children that appeared to grow-up relatively unscathed despite coming from severely disadvantaged backgrounds. Early resilience research suggested personality…

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  • Making Flexible Working Work

    Making Flexible Working Work

    The demands of modern living, together with technological advances, are eroding traditional work patterns, so flexible working should be prevalent in most 21st century organisations. Yet, in reality, it is taking much longer to make the cultural shift to fully integrate these more modern working practices into our businesses and making flexible working work. So what is meant by flexible working? It is a generic term used to describe a wide range…

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  • Mental Health – Are Your Employees Thriving at Work?


    Thriving at Work Review The October 2017 government-backed Stevenson-Farmer review ‘Thriving at Work’ reveals that poor mental health is costing employers up to £42 billion a year. Yet, for every £1 a business invests in supporting mental health at work, it can reap a £9 return. The report highlights the stigma that is still attached to mental health in the workplace, despite around 15% of people at work having symptoms of an existing…

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  • Long Hours Work Culture

    Making Flexible Working Work

      A Long Hours Work Culture is well established in many small businesses The way we communicate and ‘stay connected’ has been blurring the lines between work, rest and play and adding to this long hours work culture. When used well, information and communication technology aids flexible working and can contribute to a healthier work-life balance. However, research is now showing that technology is making many people actually work longer…

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