Tag Archive: productivity

  • Employee Financial Literacy

    Employee Financial Literacy

    As the aftermath of the Autumn Budget is being assessed by employers and employees, this is a very important month to be looking at employee financial literacy. Employee financial literacy is more than just being able to add up, it is the ability to understand how money can be managed and refers to the skills and knowledge that allows employees to make informed and effective decisions about their financial resources. Financial education has been…

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  • Workplace Hormonal Health

    Workplace Hormonal Health

    I started writing about hormonal health in the workplace over six years ago and although there have been great strides forward with regard to menopausal and perimenopausal awareness, recent studies suggest that there is still plenty of work to do to provide more workplace support. According to the CIPD’s 2023 survey, over a quarter of respondents said that menopause had a negative effect on their career progression, one in six considered…

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  • Workplace Kindness

    Workplace Kindness

    I’ve written a lot about KINDNESS over the years and feel that this year, more than any other, it’s about time it was taken seriously and seen as an important and powerful component of good business? In an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, there is a pressing need for more responsible and kinder forms of leadership in both business and society. Haskins and Gill carried out a comprehensive research…

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  • New Flexible Working

    New Flexible Working

    On the eve of the government’s consultation deadline for “Making Flexible Working the Default”, will we see radical changes to the way we work? After all, the government has stated that it wants to take a world class approach to flexible working to ensure the opportunities and challenges of the post Covid-19 economy are maximised. In contrast, the TUC has criticised the government’s proposals, stating that they will not be the ‘game…

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  • Empathy at Work

    Empathy Power

    The New Super Power? I remember reading a pre-Covid Forbes article in 2019 in which the author was challenging those who referred to empathy as a “soft fluffy skill”, advocating its importance in the workplace to aid co-operation, innovation and influence. Two years on and we are living in a very different world, with new threats and challenges, so is empathy being viewed any differently? According to the employee benefits provider…

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  • Occupational Burnout

    occupational burnout and what employers can do about it

    In today’s hectic world there is immense social pressure to always be ‘busy’. The value placed on achievement and productivity forces us to constantly be achieving things. In contrast, resting, taking time off, day-dreaming or relaxing are often seen as lazy pursuits, not to be openly discussed or encouraged. Perhaps, then, it is not surprising that BURNOUT is on the rise. It is a growing problem for the modern workplace, having an impact…

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  • Making Flexible Working Work

    Making Flexible Working Work

    The demands of modern living, together with technological advances, are eroding traditional work patterns, so flexible working should be prevalent in most 21st century organisations. Yet, in reality, it is taking much longer to make the cultural shift to fully integrate these more modern working practices into our businesses and making flexible working work. So what is meant by flexible working? It is a generic term used to describe a wide range…

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  • Workplace Happiness

    Workpalce happiness

    There’s been a lot of debate recently about the relevance of happiness at work: is it a fad, does it actually link with engagement levels and can it influence business productivity? Firstly, it’s important to clarify what kind of happiness is being debated. This isn’t the quick-fix superficial kind associated with momentary amusement, pleasure or even ‘what’s-in-it-for-me’ type attitudes, but the healthier kind that comes from…

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  • Hormonal Health

    Workplace Hormonal Health

    Hormonal Health – the last Workplace Taboo? Hormonal health has traditionally been seen as a private matter and so is rarely discussed. Not surprisingly many managers will have no awareness of the scope and nature of the issues involved. This means employees spend a lot of time and energy hiding their symptoms. In a survey by Nuffield Health, two thirds of women revealed they were suffering from hormonal issues that were having a detrimental…

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  • Sleep Smarter and Save your Business a Fortune

    Sleep Smarter

    According to recent research from the University of Warwick, a good night’s sleep is as beneficial to health and happiness as winning the lottery. The research suggests that if you sleep smarter by increasing the quality and quantity of sleep, our health and wellbeing can be significantly improved at very low cost. It’s well documented that people reporting sleep issues are at greater risk from developing depression, obesity, diabetes and…

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