
  • Latest HR News January 2020: Parental Bereavement Leave to Veganism

    Latest HR News January 2020 From Parental Bereavement Leave to Veganism

    Latest HR News – January 2020 Changes to National Living Wage, National Minimum Wages and Statutory Rates (April 2020) The national living wage for workers aged 25 and over will be £8.72 p/hr, the NMW for 21-24 year olds will be £8.20; for 18 to 20 year olds £6.45; for 16-17 year olds to £4.55 and the apprenticeship rate £4.15. In comparison, the Living Wage Foundation have set the real living wage at £9.30. Statutory maternity,…

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  • Occupational Burnout

    occupational burnout and what employers can do about it

    In today’s hectic world there is immense social pressure to always be ‘busy’. The value placed on achievement and productivity forces us to constantly be achieving things. In contrast, resting, taking time off, day-dreaming or relaxing are often seen as lazy pursuits, not to be openly discussed or encouraged. Perhaps, then, it is not surprising that BURNOUT is on the rise. It is a growing problem for the modern workplace, having an impact…

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  • HR News: Brexit, Holiday Pay and Mental Health

    HR News - Brexit, Holiday Pay, Mental Health

    Brexit and UK Employment Law Brexit uncertainties are now set to continue beyond October, but government ministers have denied that UK employment rights will be eroded or diluted after Brexit, despite recent rumours suggesting the UK is planning to reduce its regulatory standards. In the meantime, employers are being encouraged to support their EU employees and check they have up-to-date information regarding settled status. It is still expected…

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  • Corporate Courage

    Corporate Courage

    It’s not easy out there for those managing small businesses. Never before have businesses had to navigate such a complex and rapidly changing world. Indeed, the current Brexit debacle is now being described as a challenging ‘VUCA’ scenario. VUCA being the US military acronym coined during the cold war, which stands for: Volatility; Uncertainty; Complexity and Ambiguity! How can small businesses steer their people through such unchartered…

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  • Conscious Listening

    Conscious Listening

    Have you ever been in conversation with someone while: texting another thinking about what you are going to say next deciding what you are having for dinner or all the above How conscious were you of listening? According to sound and listening expert, Julian Treasure, we listen through filters which are as unique as our fingerprints. These filters are developed throughout our lives and are influenced by language, culture, values, experiences and…

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  • AI: Friend or Foe?

    AI: Friend or Foe?

    Are over-intelligent robots and evil computers confined to dystopian sci-fi, or should today’s businesses be worried about AI? From the power loom to robotic car assembly plants, technology has significantly impacted jobs and employment. Up to now lower skilled work has been the main victim. Experts now predict machines will be able to perform tasks previously considered ‘beyond’ the ability of automation, including sophisticated analysis…

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  • Small Business News: Brexit | IR35 | Maternity | Mental Health

    Covid News, statutory rate changes and Work-Life Blend

    Brexit and UK Employment Law All current employment legislation will still apply post Brexit. The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ensures that all direct EU-derived legislation in operation in the UK prior to the date of exit will remain in place following that date. When free-movement of labour ends, the government proposes to install a skills-based immigration policy to ensure employers can access skills that add most value to the UK…

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  • Body Image at Work

    mental health awareness week 2024

    In today’s culture and society, we are bombarded with messages about body image and what our bodies should look like. However, having negative thoughts about how we look can impact on every aspect of our lives, including at work. For some individuals, a work environment can play a tremendous role in body image and how they observe their own body. This can be due to the nature of the job, the workplace culture, or the types of people that they…

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  • Employment News for Busy Managers

    Zero Hour Contracts, Holiday Pay, Caste Discrimination and Gender Pay Reporting

    A one page summary of employment news for busy managers Brexit and Employment The scheme to protect EU citizens’ right to remain in the UK, once freedom of movement ends following Brexit, is now fully open for applications after its initial pilot period. EU citizens who have already been in the UK for five years may apply for settled status, while those who have been here for under five years can apply for pre-settled status. Kay’s comment:…

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  • Making Flexible Working Work

    Making Flexible Working Work

    The demands of modern living, together with technological advances, are eroding traditional work patterns, so flexible working should be prevalent in most 21st century organisations. Yet, in reality, it is taking much longer to make the cultural shift to fully integrate these more modern working practices into our businesses and making flexible working work. So what is meant by flexible working? It is a generic term used to describe a wide range…

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