Tag Archive: emotional intelligence

  • Resilience Culture

    Building a Resilience Culture

    Earlier this year I wrote an article about Resilience at Work. This was several months before the true impact of Covid-19 was felt in the UK. Since then people and organisations have been on a bumpy rollercoaster ride of twists and turns, navigating what is frequently being referred to as a VUCA world – a military acronym standing for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. As we approach the latter part of 2020, my HR work with local…

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  • Robot Revolution

    The Robot Revolution - should Shropshire businesses be worried?

    Dramatic headlines last month announced massive job cuts over the next two decades thanks to robots taking over our jobs, implying that a Robot Revolution was on its way!! So, should Shropshire businesses be worried? As with so many headlines, you have to analyse them carefully. The recent Deloitte’s report, on which many of the news articles were based, “From Brawn to Brains: the impact of technology on jobs in the UK” talks about the…

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