Tag Archive: flexible

  • Workplace Curiosity

    Workplace curiosity

    There is a LOT to feel challenged by at the moment. Try Googling ‘unpredictable times’ and you get a sense of just how unstable and uncertain our world is right now! While organisations and their people grapple with ongoing political and economic instability, many workplaces have been shifting beyond recognition: Old command and control methods from the 1950’s and 60’s are finally being dismantled in favour of more open…

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  • Eating Disorders

    mental health awareness week 2024

    During Mental Health Awareness Week, it was refreshing to see helpful media coverage and dialogue about encouraging good mental health in and outside of work. However, we still have a long way to go to truly de-stigmatise mental illness within our society, communities and workplaces. By way of example, eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that are frequently misunderstood and hidden from many employers. There is still a commonly held…

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  • Resilience at Work

    Resilience at Work

    There’s more to resilience than meets the eye – it’s not simply another word for ‘coping’ and it is a little more complicated than the famous World War II slogan “Keep Calm and Carry On”. Resilience was first studied back in the 1950’s and 60’s and was centred around children that appeared to grow-up relatively unscathed despite coming from severely disadvantaged backgrounds. Early resilience research suggested personality…

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