Tag Archive: mentoring

  • Workplace Kindness

    Workplace Kindness

    I’ve written a lot about KINDNESS over the years and feel that this year, more than any other, it’s about time it was taken seriously and seen as an important and powerful component of good business? In an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, there is a pressing need for more responsible and kinder forms of leadership in both business and society. Haskins and Gill carried out a comprehensive research…

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  • International Women’s Day

    International Women's Day 8th March 2016

    International Women’s Day is a global day that has been observed since the early 1900’s to not only celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, but actively campaign for change – so, is it actually still relevant for today? Sadly, the answer has to be ‘yes’. Why? Well, the World Economic Forum predicted in 2014 that it would take until 2095 to achieve global gender parity, but in 2015 that estimate…

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  • Multi-generational Workplaces

    Multi-generational workplaces

    Are you daunted by the thought of managing up to four different generations in one place? The rise of multi-generational workplaces is now fact rather than fiction. Workplace demographics continue to shift as birth rates in the UK lower, life expectancy increases and more of us stay in work beyond traditional retirement ages: 2007 saw the number of over 60’s exceed the number of under 16’s for the first time in history; the number of working…

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