Tag Archive: resilience

  • Covid-19, Brexit and Mental Health Resources

    2021 Covid-19, Brexit and Mental Health Resources

    QUARTERLY HR UPDATE AND EMPLOYMENT NEWS – January 2021 Another challenging year ahead, navigating the direct and indirect effects of Covid-19 and Brexit – I hope this information is helpful and please feel free to pass on to others you think it may help. Latest Covid-19 Information for Employers The Furlough Scheme extension runs to 30th April 2021 and now includes employees who are unable to work because of childcare issues, even if they…

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  • Resilience Culture

    Building a Resilience Culture

    Earlier this year I wrote an article about Resilience at Work. This was several months before the true impact of Covid-19 was felt in the UK. Since then people and organisations have been on a bumpy rollercoaster ride of twists and turns, navigating what is frequently being referred to as a VUCA world – a military acronym standing for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. As we approach the latter part of 2020, my HR work with local…

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  • Resilience at Work

    Resilience at Work

    There’s more to resilience than meets the eye – it’s not simply another word for ‘coping’ and it is a little more complicated than the famous World War II slogan “Keep Calm and Carry On”. Resilience was first studied back in the 1950’s and 60’s and was centred around children that appeared to grow-up relatively unscathed despite coming from severely disadvantaged backgrounds. Early resilience research suggested personality…

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  • Corporate Courage

    Corporate Courage

    It’s not easy out there for those managing small businesses. Never before have businesses had to navigate such a complex and rapidly changing world. Indeed, the current Brexit debacle is now being described as a challenging ‘VUCA’ scenario. VUCA being the US military acronym coined during the cold war, which stands for: Volatility; Uncertainty; Complexity and Ambiguity! How can small businesses steer their people through such unchartered…

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  • Workplace Happiness

    Workpalce happiness

    There’s been a lot of debate recently about the relevance of happiness at work: is it a fad, does it actually link with engagement levels and can it influence business productivity? Firstly, it’s important to clarify what kind of happiness is being debated. This isn’t the quick-fix superficial kind associated with momentary amusement, pleasure or even ‘what’s-in-it-for-me’ type attitudes, but the healthier kind that comes from…

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