Tag Archive: teams

  • Workplace Curiosity

    Workplace curiosity

    There is a LOT to feel challenged by at the moment. Try Googling ‘unpredictable times’ and you get a sense of just how unstable and uncertain our world is right now! While organisations and their people grapple with ongoing political and economic instability, many workplaces have been shifting beyond recognition: Old command and control methods from the 1950’s and 60’s are finally being dismantled in favour of more open…

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  • Conscious Listening

    Conscious Listening

    Have you ever been in conversation with someone while: texting another thinking about what you are going to say next deciding what you are having for dinner or all the above How conscious were you of listening? According to sound and listening expert, Julian Treasure, we listen through filters which are as unique as our fingerprints. These filters are developed throughout our lives and are influenced by language, culture, values, experiences and…

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