Employment News – Autumn Edition 2017
This is a one page Employment News summary covers the latest legislative changes that are likely to affect small businesses and the way they employ and manage their people.
Tax-Free Childcare and 30 hrs free childcare are two separate government schemes, to help parents with the cost of childcare. Parents can apply for both through one online application via the Childcare Service.
Kay’s comment: Parents need to decide if the new tax-free childcare scheme is better for them than the existing Childcare voucher scheme, currently administered by employers. Direct them to this site for further information: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
Next year the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced across Europe, including post-Brexit UK. The regulation aims to give people more control over their personal data and to create a uniformity of rules across Europe. The definition of personal data will cover anything that points to someone’s professional or personal life, including names, photos, email IDs, bank details, social networking posts, medical information, or computer IP addresses.
Kay’s comment: Don’t leave GDPR until next year – please read my recent article: Introduction to GDPR for small business owners and use the ICO resources via the given links.
PUBLIC SECTOR IR35 REFORMS (April 2017 onwards)
IR35 tax changes caused huge disruption to public sector contractors, who now have their tax status determined by the organisations hiring them. If they are treated as employees for tax purposes, they have tax and NI deducted at source, resulting in significant pay cuts for many, but they are not automatically treated as employees under employment law.
Kay’s comment: The government has confirmed that the IR35 tax rules will be extended to the private sector. Industry bodies predict it will happen within the next two years. This is likely to push up costs particularly for highly skilled contractors and interims. The HMRC has produced its own online checking tool: Check Employment Status for Tax
The Supreme Court has ruled that tribunal fees are unlawful. As a result, all previous fees charged since their introduction in July 2013 will now have to be reimbursed by the government.
Kay’s comment: Please look at your organisation’s approach to risk when facing potential disputes with employees, as ACAS predicts there will be a significant rise in tribunal claims over the coming months.
HR Video: Reminder of employment rights for younger workers (16-17 year olds)
HR Article: Summary of how the Criminal Finances Act is likely to affect small business
HR Article: Guest blog post by Clare Downes from ‘the circle’ about collaboration and coaching
HR Articles: Find out why anthropology is relevant to today’s small business in these two articles: Small Business Anthropology and Why An Anthropological Approach Should Shape the Development of your Product or Service
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