Even if the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic and Paralympic Games are not really your thing, don’t under-estimate the importance of the ‘feel-good-factor’ that these big events can have on the motivation of your staff over the coming months.

Something to Celebrate

Let’s face it – it’s not been the easiest few years for our Shropshire small and family businesses – so having something to collectively celebrate should not be overlooked.  After all, it is a fundamental aspect of human nature to want to feel ‘connected’ and part of something, be it a group, a team or even a nation!

Top 5 Tips to Manage this Year’s Celebrations

As ACAS recently stated, the secret to managing this year’s celebrations involves Forward Planning and Good Communication.  Hear are my top 5 tips to make these events work for (and not against) you and your business:

1. Check the small print (of individual contracts of employment)

Are your staff entitled to take that extra bank holiday on 5th June? If not, weigh up the motivational and business pros and cons for not paying for the extra day.

2. Plan ahead for summer

Have you asked employees to put in their requests for summer holidays yet? Have you planned ahead to put a holiday cover rota in place to check that the needs of the business are met over the summer months?

3. Consider flexible work practices

Have you looked at some of the key days and assessed their likely impact on your business? Could some staff start and finish early, work from home etc?   eg 12th July when the Shropshire Diamond Jubilee Pageant takes place at Cosford.

4. Enter into the spirit of the celebrations (for your staff, if not for you!)

Can your business support a local good cause for a one-off event or perhaps for longer term sponsorship that involves staff, but at the same time, gains good local press coverage – a bit of giving back and social responsibility?

5. Set clear ground rules

Does everyone know and understand your process for requesting leave or flexible working? Do they know what will happen if the process isn’t followed, or if unauthorised leave is taken?


So, are you planning anything motivating for your employees this summer?  If so, please do add your comments and share the good ideas.

Happy celebrating,



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