YES, they can!
I wrote about Performance Appraisals back in 2012, advocating a ‘better’ way of appraising employees and introduced my 6 Point Plan on How to do a Performance Appraisal …well.
Since then I have worked with a number of owner managers of small and micro-businesses, in and around Shropshire, developing and honing these ideas further, but staying true to the key principles of SIMPLE, FOCUSED and FREQUENT.
Although I have several clients who still prefer to rely on the one-page Performance Appraisal Prompt Sheet, that I mentioned last time, there are also an increasing number, particularly of micro businesses with less than 10 employees, who are happier using an even ‘shorter form’, but on a more regular basis. This ‘mini action plan’ concentrates on only one or two performance and learning targets at a time, which then keeps the appraisal meeting short and specific. It might take a little getting used to, particularly if you have come from a ‘tick-box-culture’ or feel comforted by a ‘War-and-Peace-sized’ appraisal form, but stick with it for a few months and remember to ask your managers and staff for feedback.
If you would like a FREE copy of this shorter form: the Performance Appraisal Mini Action Plan, which is aimed at owner managers of small businesses wanting to appraise their staff more frequently (ideally once a month or every other month), just pop a note in the comment box or on my contact form requesting your FREE Performance Appraisal Mini Action Plan to try.
All I ask, is that you spare a few minutes to give me some constructive feedback from yourself and your staff in a couple of months’ time.
I look forward to hearing how it goes.